Itulah puisi islami atau puisi islam,Lain kali di tambah lagi dengan puisi islam lainnya.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Kegagalan Berubah Iman
Itulah puisi islami atau puisi islam,Lain kali di tambah lagi dengan puisi islam lainnya.
Cinta yang agung
Musim Semi, Musim Panas, dan Musim Gugur
Puisi Untuk Ibu
Teori Gaya Bahasa Iklan
APA BAHASA ITU? Sepuluh Pengertian Bahasa Menurut Para Ahli
Menurut Keraf dalam Smarapradhipa (2005:1), memberikan dua pengertian bahasa. Pengertian pertama menyatakan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi antara anggota masyarakat berupa simbol bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh alat ucap manusia. Kedua, bahasa adalah sistem komunikasi yang mempergunakan simbol-simbol vokal (bunyi ujaran) yang bersifat arbitrer.
Lain halnya menurut Owen dalam Stiawan (2006:1), menjelaskan definisi bahasa yaitu language can be defined as a socially shared combinations of those symbols and rule governed combinations of those symbols (bahasa dapat didefenisikan sebagai kode yang diterima secara sosial atau sistem konvensional untuk menyampaikan konsep melalui kegunaan simbol-simbol yang dikehendaki dan kombinasi simbol-simbol yang diatur oleh ketentuan).
Pendapat di atas mirip dengan apa yang diungkapkan oleh Tarigan (1989:4), beliau memberikan dua definisi bahasa. Pertama, bahasa adalah suatu sistem yang sistematis, barang kali juga untuk sistem generatif. Kedua, bahasa adalah seperangkat lambang-lambang mana suka atau simbol-simbol arbitrer.
Menurut Santoso (1990:1), bahasa adalah rangkaian bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh alat ucap manusia secara sadar.
Definisi lain, Bahasa adalah suatu bentuk dan bukan suatu keadaan (lenguage may be form and not matter) atau sesuatu sistem lambang bunyi yang arbitrer, atau juga suatu sistem dari sekian banyak sistem-sistem, suatu sistem dari suatu tatanan atau suatu tatanan dalam sistem-sistem. Pengertian tersebut dikemukakan oleh Mackey (1986:12).
Menurut Wibowo (2001:3), bahasa adalah sistem simbol bunyi yang bermakna dan berartikulasi (dihasilkan oleh alat ucap) yang bersifat arbitrer dan konvensional, yang dipakai sebagai alat berkomunikasi oleh sekelompok manusia untuk melahirkan perasaan dan pikiran.
Hampir senada dengan pendapat Wibowo, Walija (1996:4), mengungkapkan definisi bahasa ialah komunikasi yang paling lengkap dan efektif untuk menyampaikan ide, pesan, maksud, perasaan dan pendapat kepada orang lain.
Pendapat lainnya tentang definisi bahasa diungkapkan oleh Syamsuddin (1986:2), beliau memberi dua pengertian bahasa. Pertama, bahasa adalah alat yang dipakai untuk membentuk pikiran dan perasaan, keinginan dan perbuatan-perbuatan, alat yang dipakai untuk mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi. Kedua, bahasa adalah tanda yang jelas dari kepribadian yang baik maupun yang buruk, tanda yang jelas dari keluarga dan bangsa, tanda yang jelas dari budi kemanusiaan.
Sementara Pengabean (1981:5), berpendapat bahwa bahasa adalah suatu sistem yang mengutarakan dan melaporkan apa yang terjadi pada sistem saraf.
Pendapat terakhir dari makalah singkat tentang bahasa ini diutarakan oleh Soejono (1983:01), bahasa adalah suatu sarana perhubungan rohani yang amat penting dalam hidup bersama.
Daftar Pustaka
Ambary, Abdullah. Intisari Tata Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung: Djatnika. 1986.
Guntur, Henry. Pengajaran Kompetensi Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung: Angkasa. 1989.
Mackey, W.F. Analisis Bahasa. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional. 1986.
Santoso, Kusno Budi. Problematika Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung: Angkasa. 1990.
Smaradhipa, Galih. Bertutur dengan Tulisan diposting dari situs 12/05/2005 .
Soejono, Ag. Metode Khusus Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung: C.V. Ilmu1983.
Stiawan, Yasin. Perkembangan Bahasa diposting dari situs 16/01/2006. Tarigan,
Syamsuddin, A.R. Sanggar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka Jakarta. 1986.
Pangabean, Maruli. Bahasa Pengaruh dan Peranannya. Jakarta: Gramedia. 1981.
Walija. 1996. Bahasa Indonesia dalam Perbincangan. Jakarta: IKIP Muhammadiyah Jakarta Press.
Wibowo, Wahyu. Manajemen Bahasa. Jakarta: Gramedia. 2001.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Advertising Language Theory
Advertising is a kind of communicative behavior and communication arts, advertising success, the key is to see whether it can seize your audience psychology. Relevance Theory is to explore the relationship between communication and cognition Pragmatic Theory. In this paper, using relevance theory to explore the advertising translation, advertising translation to find the best associated policies.
An advertising feature: Broad advertising, is widely advertised, that is something widely inform the public of promotional activities. The narrow sense of advertising refers to the enterprises for the purpose of Marketing products and services, with paid way through the mass media to provide Information and persuade people to buy communication activities. Advertising has the following characteristics: promotional, informational, persuade nature.
Understanding of the theory of association: Relevance theory is the Western linguists Sperber and Wilson's relevance based on the criteria proposed by Grice's theory of Cognitive Pragmatics. They believe that language communication is an explicit - the reasoning process, rather than the traditional communication theory, coding - decoding process. Relevance Theory is the core of the principle of seeking the best correlation, that is, acts of human communication will have one of the best correlation of expectations, the recipient to determine the communication's communicative intent, it must be known to both the cognitive communicative environment, find each other between the discourse and context of optimal relevance, by reasoning, infer the implied meaning of context in order to obtain contextual effects to achieve communicative purposes.
Relevance Theory and Advertising Case Study: In the Relevance Theory framework, the communicative act is an explicit - cognitive behavioral reasoning. When the advertisers through advertising words express, it will certainly want your ad to the audience through the explicit content of reasoning out the advertiser's communicative intent. Therefore, how to lead the audience's attention (Attention), raised their interest (Interest), thus producing Desire (Desire), in order to take action (Action), referred to as AIDA. AIDA fully reveal the audience to accept an advertisement for the whole mental process. As the English language and Culture differences and advertising style-specific features, advertising translation to achieve optimal relevance, in most cases require flexible, multi-use rewriting or rewrite. Specific operations can be from the following aspects:
1. Transfer Perspective Such as the Shanghai Watch Factory Diamond watch ads: Chushoubufan diamond table.
PRESIDENT: Buy a Diamond brand watch, if every second counts for you. Ad translation captures the audience's cognitive environment, using the familiar expression of the audience to meet their values. However, in contrast to the original, in addition to 'Diamond Watch' and corresponds to a Diamond brand watch, almost no correlation. However, the translation expressed implicitly contains the original meaning of ingenuity in the use of the English language pun count - with the 'timing' and 'value' of the double meaning of the language skills of its head. Reproduction of the original customers to 'buy' the imperative features.
2. Conversion narrative - induction deduction changes Such as: opening a new international tourist attraction - Nanxi Scenic Area. Boat trip from the source of enlightenment and benevolence and to enjoy the river scenery and unique ... ... On the occasion of the scenic south of Zhejiang Nanxi River, located in a well-known domestic and foreign aids production of 'leading' companies - Zhejiang Yongjia Teaching Instrument Factory. PRESIDENT: Standing by the side of the picturesque Nanxi River, a newly opened resort by the state in south Zhejiang, is Yongjia Teaching Instrument Factory - a head enterprise well known in and out of China for manufacturing teaching facilities. Original start Attractions - Nanxi Scenic Area as his starting point a detailed description of the unique scenic landscape, the end of the paragraph dotting 'occasion of the ... ... ordinance factory'. The translation is omitted in the original description of all the scenery, indicating location and directly point out the center - Yongjia Teaching Instrument Factory, and then further described the plant in the country's reputation and position is the center highlights.
3. Borrowed idiom proverb Proverbs are often able to dilute the audience awareness in the Context of the product from a foreign country of strangeness. The greatest benefit of this approach is the target language in the idiom proverb can be-they're starting to skillfully bring the audience closer to products and advertising purposes. The following is a treatment of heart disease called 'Suxiao Jiuxin pill' (Quick Results Heart-Save Pill) drug advertising: reposted elsewhere in the paper for free Download Center Carry being prepared,Portable and near misses. Sir: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Ad original loved by the Chinese four-character grid, Antithesis neat, fast-paced, resonate powerfully. But if not flexible, either literal or free translation, it is difficult to maintain the original language of advertising efforts. The translation borrowed from a widely circulated English proverb, to take anthropomorphic rhetoric reveals the efficacy of the drug. To make the audience from the cognitive receptive and easy to remember.
4. Conclusion
The main purpose of advertising translation is to attract customers and ultimately for customers to make purchases. Therefore, in-depth study of target language translation should be the audience's cognitive environment, bold words and sentences beyond the original limits, to achieve structural transformation and adaptation to the practical realization of advertising translation AIDA features, the real principle of optimal relevance of relevance theory.